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Project Overview



My Role

Time duration

  • Mina Hadi, UX designer

  • Bonnie Simpson, UX  researcher

  • Brigid Riedy , UX/UI designer

  • Erin Pak UI researcher and Agile strategist 

  • Lisa Watson UX researcher

  • Figma

  • Google Suite

  • Zoom

  • Slack

  • Canva

UX designer

  • 72 hours

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The Issue 

Many women feel uncomfortable and uninformed about issues surrounding their bodies and sexual health.

Reproductive health can often times be seen as taboo and hard to talk about, but it has never been more important to address.


My group and I were given an opportunity to work on public information about reproductive health challenges in society. We did not know how women in our society are informed about their reproductive health. We needed to know how they get help, what kind of sources they use and what are their experiences in regards to their healthcare providers. So we conducted a user survey.

Survey Synthesis

  • 50% were somewhat confident in the information provided by their providers

  • Only 20% were very confident

  • 75% see a healthcare provider regarding their productive health

  • 60% source their information from their doctor

  • Mostly users ask questions from friends/family or social media

After analyzing user survey, we interviewed 10 people to learn more about their behavior, needs, and level of education about reproductive health. 

These are what we gathered from interview:

  • "I found reproductive health information insufficient while growing up"

  • "I feel most comfortable learning about reproductive health from my friends"

  • "I would like to learn information beyond the basics of reproductive health"

  • "I don't feel like I get enough time and information from appointments with my provider"

Some users find social media helpful as it exposes them to information beyond the basic topics of reproductive health.

This is important for users because they want to be able to personalize information on reproductive health for their body and their specific needs/concerns.

We made a persona to picture our data from user survey and user interviews.


Angelina is 31 years old. She visits her provider every year but the checkups are very brief and because of this, she goes to family and friends for more information.
She would like to learn more about about Reproductive Health.

Her frustration:

  • She is Feeling ashamed for wanting to learn more about sexual health.


Her most important Goal is:

  • Be part of a community of women that gives advice about reproductive health.

Problem Statement and HMWs

We started to brainstorm and see what the main problem was for Angelina. Based on our data we tried to come up with some solutions:

Angelina needs a resource to learn about reproductive health in order to feel confident and comfortable making educated choices about her body

  • Create a space where users can research reproductive health issues and chat with others with similar concerns

  • Provide users a platform for comprehensive reproductive health information

  • Help users feel they can easily access trusted and professional information

  • Promote healthy and informed decision making

  • Equip users with information and tools to make appointments with their providers the most efficient and productive way

Proposed Solutions
1. Community Tab to ask questions and find information 
2. Videos from Doctors that explain topics (conditions, medication, etc.)

3. Save articles and add notes/questions

Image by Prateek Katyal
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We Designed 3 user flows, but because of the limited time we chose the most important features based on our data:

After the user creates a profile, she navigates through the community board or simply searches for specific topic. She reads forum or watches the video related to the topic. If she is interested she can save it along with her personal notes under her profile.

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